Press releases - Page 4 of 7

Press contact

Wera Werkzeuge GmbH
Head of Corporate Communications & PR
Roger Hermes
Korzerter Straße 21-25
D - 42349 Wuppertal

Telephone: +49 (0)2 02 / 40 45 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)2 02 / 40 36 34

E-Mail: Presse(at)

With the new Kraftform Turbo from Wera, screwdriving operations can be carried out considerably faster - and all without electricity.

Wuppertal. The Tool Rebels from Wera had it in their heads to develop a screwdriver with almost unbelievable speed, which works very precisely and -…

The Wera T-handles and stubbies with attractive and recognizable design and improved product features.

Wuppertal. An attractive and recognizable product design is an important characteristic for a well thought-out product range.

With T-handle…

Five new socket sets for special applications by Wera

Wuppertal. The Wuppertal-based screwdriving tool specialist Wera has now transferred the special features of its socket wrench inserts, which have…

Wera’s Advent calendar has been published for ten years now and contains many new tool surprises.

Wuppertal. The Christmas season is always something very special: the hustle and bustle of everyday life stops a little and you think of people for…

New Torque tools in the Click-Torque Series / Click-Torque XP with pre-set Torque / Torque wrench with square socket holder for interchangeable…

[Translate to EN:]

Create a bridge between the working day and after-work hours / 11 screwdrivers of the Kraftform Plus series / The most important profiles / 2 screw…

Further Information:

Wera Werkzeuge GmbH
Korzerter Straße 21-25, 42349 Wuppertal / Germany
Phone: +49 (0)2 02 / 40 45 311, Fax: 40 36 34
E-Mail: info(at), Internet:


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